We’ve all heard the term “I hit my funny bone” – but the humerus, ulna, and radius (the arm’s main structures) can all be susceptible to major injuries if they aren’t well-protected. It’s really no laughing matter. Elbow fractures can arise in a variety of ways; however, all incidences fall into two main categories – […]
Our Blog
Five of the Most Common Repetitive Motion Disorders
Repetitive motion. Whether you work at a construction site or blog for a living, you are at risk of developing repetitive motion disorder. Work-related motions that are “repetitive” include typing at a keyboard, clicking a mouse, working on an assembly line, using a jackhammer, lifting heavy things, and any other activity where the body is […]
Treatment Options for Trigger Finger
Trigger finger has a colorful name but having trigger finger can make it difficult to use your hand for the simplest tasks. It’s a condition in which one of the fingers or thumb of your hand is stuck in a bent position. It causes pain, stiffness, and a sensation of locking as you bend or […]
Signs of Wrist Tendonitis You Should Take Seriously
Repetitive movements can really take a toll on the tendons – the fibrous, sinewy cords of collagen tissue that surround the muscles, attaching them to nearby bone. From a mechanic using manpower to restore old cars day in and day out, to a tennis player who has amassed trophies (and injuries) from years of tough […]
How to Reduce the Swelling from Elbow Bursitis
Elbow bursitis is a condition that affects the thin, fluid-filled sac (known as a bursa) located at the boney tip of the elbow (also known as the olecranon). It can be a painful, nagging injury that can prevent you from carrying on your daily activities. There are many bursa sacs in our bodies, acting as […]