Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a condition that occurs when the median nerve (one of the major nerves in the hand) gets squeezed or irritated due to the narrowing of the carpal tunnel space. CTS has often been classified as a repetitive stress injury and ascribed to excessive computer use, hammering, and other repetitive movements, […]
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Are There Other Treatment Options for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Aside from Surgery?
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a common type of nerve impingement in the wrist. CTS occurs when any of the structures surrounding the carpal tunnel gets inflamed. The carpal tunnel is the narrow passageway on the anterior part of the wrist through which the median nerve passes. The inflammation consequently compresses the median nerve, which […]
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Prevention Tips
If you’re feeling numbness, tingling, and/or pain in your hand and wrist area, it’s time to make a change in your modus operandi of how you’re performing manual tasks. It could be carpal tunnel syndrome, which can develop into a permanently debilitating issue if left unaddressed. You’re putting frequent pressure on the median nerve which […]
At-Home Treatment Options for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome can develop if the median nerve in the wrist becomes compressed. The condition may result in wrist pain, numbness in the hand and fingers, and a tingling sensation. It is best to address this condition before it becomes worse because it can ultimately cause permanent nerve damage and disability of the hand. […]
Selecting the Right Orthopedic Doctor for Your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful condition that is a result of the median nerve being compressed as it passes through the carpal tunnel. The pain and swelling in your hand and wrist can prevent you from performing simple functions such as grasping, writing, and typing. Carpal tunnel syndrome is often caused by repetitive motions, […]