The shoulder is the most flexible and mobile joint in the body. The shoulder can freely move in all directions and is held together by ligaments and muscles. People use their shoulders in just about every activity of the day. However, being extremely flexible also means that shoulders are more likely to be injured. Dislocation […]
orthopedic doctor in Maryland
Where to Get Rotator Cuff Repair in Maryland
Rotator cuff injuries are one of the most common joint problems faced by Americans. Like any other injury, it’s important you seek medical assistance for your rotator cuff injury for a speedy recovery. Your injury can worsen over time if you continue to use your shoulder regularly and the injury is left untreated. Fortunately, there […]
What Happens If a Torn Rotator Cuff Goes Untreated?
More than two million patients experience rotator cuff tears yearly in the United States. Rotator cuff injuries are painful and make upward and rotating arm movements difficult. Torn rotator cuffs can be disruptive to everyday life as we use our shoulders for a number of things. Left untreated, your injury can limit your movements and […]
How Do Orthopedist’s Diagnose Dupuytren’s Contracture?
Dupuytren’s contracture is a hand deformity in which the layer of tissue that lies beneath your palm, at the base of your fingers, abnormally thickens. The thickened area can eventually develop into a knot, lump or thick band, causing one or more of your fingers to contract or pull in a bent position, toward your […]
How Does an Orthopedic Doctor Treat Animal Bite Injuries?
Animal bite injuries are a common occurrence in the United States, accounting for up to 5 million cases or roughly 1 percent of all injury-related ER visits ever year. These statistics show that no matter how docile animals may seem or how much they are domesticated, their inherent propensity for aggression cannot be discounted. Whether […]