Shoulder pain can make daily activities difficult and take the joy out of your favorite hobbies. You might be wondering when discomfort in your shoulder becomes serious enough to consider surgery. Let’s break down the signs that suggest you need more than just rest. We will also look at when it might be time to […]
Shoulder Surgery for Athletes
Indications For Shoulder Surgery: When Is it Necessary?
What would you do without your shoulder joints? They help you carry, reach, lift, throw a ball and so much more. If pain, poor range of motion and other symptoms are limiting your life, it may be time to consider shoulder surgery. Below is information on the most common operative procedures and when it may […]
The Role of Physical Therapy in Recovery of Shoulder Surgery
Shoulder surgery can be a daunting experience. However, the path to recovery doesn’t end in the operating room – it’s just the beginning. Physical therapy plays a pivotal role in helping patients regain strength, mobility, and function in their shoulder after surgery. It’s a journey from the initial post-surgery pain to the final stages of […]
Shoulder Surgery in Athletes: Challenges and Considerations
Shoulder injuries are common in sports, from contact sports to sports that require a lot of overhead motions, ball-throwing, and shoulder swinging. A shoulder injury means time off for athletes for a full recovery and a safe return to play. Your orthopedic doctor may recommend shoulder surgery to repair the damage in the shoulder and […]